Friday 3 November 2017

Vision for Bkockchain

Blockchain is a new digital infrastructure. What the internet did for information, blockchain is doing for property and value. Think back to the time when cars and roads are disrupting horses and dirt roads.
Initially,cars were not superior because they had to drive on an infrastructure that was designed for horses.
The cars got stuck and horsemen were laughing at the 'idiots' in their motorized vehicles. However over time, a new infrastructure was developed and the superiority of cars became evident,and importantly, the horses still function on the new infrastructure as well.
We are at that moment,where we are transitioning infrastructure for many financial services or other services which requires the transfer of asset ownership.
 "Blockchain is the road,coins or applications are the cars, and ethereum is an infrastructure company".
Very few people deny that the blockchain technology has the potential to completely rewrite the way we transact value. Blockchain can be an enabler for identification,collaboration and asset ownership. It can create decentralized social networks, an unowned version or Uber and a decentralized competitor to Airbnb.
This is the vision of blockchain, and while every disruption creates winners and losers,we cannot stop it,and should not fear it.

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